art direction & visual design

The Hop Voyagers

Naming, Branding, Illustration, Layout

Client: The Hop Voyagers

Role: Creative Direction, Design, illustration, Consulting

The Hop Voyagers Branding

The Hop Voyagers is a global project in its infancy. Husband and wife duo, Sam & Sara Kazmer, embarked on a year-plus long journey around the world in the summer of 2017. Since then,  they have been volunteering in breweries, learning brewing techniques unique to a variety of regions, and tasting as many ales as they can. This adventure will be the foundation of their future brewery, thus they wanted to get a jump-start on the branding process. Taking their inspiration of “Hemmingway in the Caribbean,” this brand celebrates the intersection of beer and journey and will eventually evolve into the iconography for their brewpub, opening in Georgia in 2019.

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